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2017 Dues

  • 17-Nov-2016
  • 01-Mar-2017
  • Gulf Coast CEO Forum 2017


Registration is closed


Thank you for being a loyal member of the Gulf Coast CEO Forum. 

Without you, we would not be where we are today — a growing organization of committed CEOs who value the CEO Forum’s principles of “relationships, ideas and solutions.” We are incredibly grateful for your membership; your perspective and experience enhances our mission. 

It’s hard to believe we have reached the fourth quarter of 2016. That means we already are planning aggressively for 2017. And we are pleased to report we are lining up one of our best years yet! Your membership renewal grants you a seat to hear first-hand from an outstanding range of speakers. A sampling:

Economist Anirban Basu, one of the Forum’s most raved-about speakers ever … Taddy Hall, a colleague and collaborator with innovation expert Clayton Christensen, Gov. Rick Scott ... Kerry Johnson, a leading business psychologist ... Nassir Ghaemi of Tufts University and author of A First Rate Madness … A panel of CEO Forum members who are doing it right with recruiting and hiring … and more.

We are looking to expand the conversation that began with Mind The Gap earlier this month, increasing our outreach in the community and commitment to providing solutions for businesses and the community at large and creating better ties among our members and the colleges. Likewise, our roundtable groups are continuing to grow, a sign that more and more members are finding great value sharing ideas and solutions and building relationships.

We hope the CEO Forum is meeting your expectations. And to that end, we hope that you will renew your membership and join us  for another year of stimulating and valuableprogramming. Your membership provides: 

• Access to the intellectual capital of 100+ Members

• Monthly Breakfast Meetings (featuring over $100,000 of notable speakers) 

• Opportunity to sponsor member meetings, social events and community outreach programs

• Attendance at “R-Nights” (happy hours) and social events

The rate for 2017 Membership is $1,950. For your convenience, you may pay online via PayPal using major credit cards. As always, checks are welcome. Please make payable to Gulf Coast CEO Forum and mail to PO Box 592, Bradenton, FL 34206. Include your company and "2017 Membership" in the memo.  

{Contact_First_Name}, during the last five years, our organization has continued to grow. We look forward to another year of enriching programming for our members. With your membership and contributions, we know we can perpetuate a high value of relationships, ideas and solutions — for you, all of the members and the region at large.

With gratitude,

  Matt Walsh                   Kim Miele
  Board Chariman         Executive Director


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